●2018 Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Plant
Biotechnology (KSPB2018)@Yeosu, South Korea (5/31-6/01)
The analysis of flowering characteristics and expression of genes related to flowewring of non-flowering
cabbage mutant.
Kinoshita Y, Motoki K, Doi M, Hosokawa M.
2018 Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Plant Biotechnology (KSPB2018)
●29th International Conference on Polyphenols (ICP2018)@Madison,
USA (7/16-20)
Analysis of a gene inducing unstable anthocyanin biosynthesis in pepper.
Ueno M, Hosokawa M, Doi M, Ohno S.
29th International Conference on Polyphenols (ICP2018) (Poster Prize)
A candidate gene of chalcone reductase in butein biosynthesis in dahlia.
Yamada H, Deguchi A, Hosokawa M, Tatsuzawa F, Doi M, Ohno S.
29th International Conference on Polyphenols (ICP2018)
●30th International Horticultural Congress (IHC2018)@
Istanbul,Turkey (8/12-8/16)
A Candidate Mechanism For Non-Vernalization Flowering of Cabbage by Grafting on radish Stocks.
Motoki K, Doi M, Hosokawa M.
30th International Horticultural Congress (IHC2018)(Young Minds Award)
"Automonous Fruit Set"in an F1 hybrid of Capsicum
Yamazaki A, Hosokawa M.
30th International Horticultural Congress (IHC2018)
Effects of light conditions involved in cold treatment on disappearance of two viroids
infecting to chrysanthemum and on regeneration of cryotherapy
Li, J-W., T. Nabeshima and M. Hosokawa 2017.
園学研. 16別2: 322.
●16th Eucarpia Capsicum and Eggplant Meeting @ Kecskemet, Hungary
Digestion of chrysanthemum stunt
viroid (CSVd) by leaf extents of Capsicum chinense attributes to strong RNase activity.
Iraklis B, Miyashita E, Onda M, Hosokawa M.
16th Eucarpia Capsicum and Eggplant Meeting P4-03
●2nd Asian Horticultural Congress (AHC2016)@Chengdu, China
Post-transcriptional gene silencing of chalcone synthase is associated with petal color
lability of a bicolor flowering dahlia
Ohno S, Hori W, Hosokawa M, Tatsuzawa F, Doi M. (Invited for Keynote speech)
2nd Asian Horticultural Congress (AHC2016) C-Keynote speech 1
Visible rays alleviate damage by UV-B irradiation to perilla leaves
Hosokawa M, Ota N, Nabeshima T, Aoki S, Awano T, Osakabe M.
2nd Asian Horticultural Congress (AHC2016) D-0017
●Latest Advances in Plant Development & Environmental
Cold Spring Harbor Conferences Asia (CSHA2016)@Awaji, Japan (11/29-12/2)
Different flower color changes induced by the infection with tobacco streak virus (strain
dahlia) among bicolor dahlia cultivars
Deguchi A, Hosokawa M, Tatsuzawa F, Doi M, Ohno S.
Latest Advances in Plant Development & Environmental Response (CSHA2016) 46
Post-transcriptional gene silencing of chalcone synthase plays an important role in petal
color lability of bicolor flowering dahlia
Ohno S, Hori W, Hosokawa M, Tatsuzawa F, Doi M.
Latest Advances in Plant Development & Environmental Response (CSHA2016) 124
●Viroid-2015 International Conference on Viroids and Viroid-Like
RNAs@Budweis, Czech Republic (6/25-28)
Screening of CSVd resistant cultivars in chrysanthemum
Nabeshima T, Doi M, Hosokawa M.
Viroid-2015 International Conference on Viroids and Viroid-Like RNAs.
●8th International Workshop on Anthocyanins
(IWA2015)@Montpellier, France (9/16-18)
Involvement of simultanious post-transcriptional silencing of multiple chalcone synthase
genes in petal color lability of a bicolor flowering dahlia
Ohno S, Hosokawa M, Tatsuzawa F, Doi M.
8th International Workshop on Anthocyanins. S1-P13.
Higher contribution of cyanidin-3-malonylglucoside-5-glucoside to black flower coloring than
pelargonidin-based counterpart in dahlia.
Deguchi A, Hosokawa M, Tatsuzawa F, Doi M, Ohno S.
8th International Workshop on Anthocyanins. S2-P22.
●29th International Horticultural Congress & Exhibition
(IHC2014)@Brisbane, Australia(8/17-22)
A basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor, DvIVS contributes to diverse flower colours
in dahlia.
Ohno S, Deguchi A, Hosokawa M, Tatsuzawa F, Doi M.
The mechanism for black flower colouring in dahlia.
Deguchi A, Ohno S, Hosokawa M, Tatsuzawa F, Doi M.
Pinwheel phenotype of Saintpaulia petals is resulted from periclinal cell divisions of
epidermal layer.
Hosokawa M, Ohnishi M, Deguchi A, Ohno S, Doi M.
In vitro method for screening of CSVd-resistant Chrysanthemum cultivars.
Nabeshima T, Hosokawa M, Doi M.
Screening genes relating to chrysanthemum stunt viroid infection to Nicotiana
Yang S J, Yasui Y, Nabeshima T, Suzuki N, Kanda H, Doi M, Hosokawa M.
Developing a protocol for adventitious shoot regeneration of saffron (Crocus sativus) for
mutation breeding and genetic engineering.
Yanagawa K, Sharaf-Eldin M, Doi M, Hosokawa M.
●27th International Conference on Polyphenols (ICP2014)@Nagoya,
A multiplex PCR-based bioassay system for assessing the occurrence of somaclonal variation
using variegated Saintpaulia.
Matsuda S, Sato M, Ohno S, Yang S J, Doi M, Hosokawa M.
●7th International Workshop on Anthocyanins (IWA2013)@Porto,
High cyanidin content contributes to black flower color in the Dahlia.
Deguchi A, Ohno S, Hosokawa M, Tatsuzawa F, Doi M.
The 7th International Workshop on Anthocyanins. P78.
Regulation of anthocyanin synthesis in dahlia by a basic helix-loop-helix transcription
factor DvIVS
Ohno S, Deguchi A, Hosokawa M, Tatsuzawa F, Doi M.
The 7th International Workshop on Anthocyanins. O21.
●10th International Congress on Plant Molecular Biology
(IPMB2012)@Jeju, Korea(10/21-26)
The bHLH transcription factor DvIVS regulates floral anthocyanin contents in Dahlia cultivars.
Ohno S, Deguchi A, Hosokawa M, Doi M.
10th International Congress on Plant Molecular Biology 2012 Jeju BT63
●28th International Horticultural Congress (IHC2010)@Lisboa,
Postharvest Photooxidative Disorders in Canna Leaves
Doi M, Wakita M, Takizawa Y, Hirose N, Hosokawa M.
28th International Horticultural Congress 2010 Lisboa S02.97
Capsinoid Biosynthesis of Nonpungent Pepper Cultivars Is Caused by Loss-of-Function Mutations in a Putative Aminotransferase
Tanaka Y, Hosokawa M, Miwa T, Watanabe T, Doi M, Yazawa S.
28th International Horticultural Congress 2010 Lisboa S04.272
Repair of Partially Wounded Chrysanthemum Shoot Apical Meristems After Bombardment
Hosokawa M, Suzue H, Doi M.
28th International Horticultural Congress 2010 Lisboa S05.213
Root Zone Restriction and Phosphorus Deficiency Associated with Flower Colour Expression in Bicolour-Flowering
Hosokawa M, Ohno S, Doi M.
28th International Horticultural Congress 2010 Lisboa S09.315
Gene Expression during Dramatic Developmental Changes of a Capsicum chinense Cultivar Native to the Seychelles at
Temperatures below 24℃
Koeda S, Hosokawa M, Kang B, Choi D, Doi M, Yazawa S.
28th International Horticultural Congress 2010 Lisboa S13.281
Characterization and Mapping of a Temperature-sensitive Mutant
Song Ji An, Jinjie Li, Heung-Ryul Lee, Hyoun-Joung Kim, Byoung-Cheorl Kang, Sota Koeda, and Munetaka Hosokawa 2008.
The First Asian Horticultural Congress, Jeju, Korea.
Dramatic Developmental Change of the Native Capsicum chinense
from Seychelles in Relative Warm Temperature around 24℃
Sota Koeda, Munetaka Hosokawa, Byoung-Cheorl Kang, Doil Choi, and Susumu Yazawa 2008.
The First Asian Horticultural Congress, Jeju, Korea.